I'm glad you're here! 🥳

Hi! I am Regine, a product designer based in the SF Bay Area.

I had been designing experience in the physical world as an event coordinator for the past 4 years and being able to connect with my clients empathetically and provide solutions to meet their needs have always been the highlight of my day. That’s why I decided to pursue a new career in UX design. I believe in practicing empathy and finding simple solutions for complex problems. I strive to create impactful and human-centered experience through innovative yet realistic designs.

When I am not designing, you can find me hanging around at 🦎 reptile shops, 🎬 watching true crime documentaries, or 🚀 planning my next adventure.

I’m always excited to meet new people and get inspired by new stories, so don’t hesitate to reach out via email: reginewong616@gmail.com

Thanks for stopping by!